The first retirement development from Carmel Properties

KwaZulu-Natal is fast becoming the first-choice retirement destination in South Africa, based on the sub-tropical climate, affordability and pristine beaches, to name but a few.

Carmel Properties designs and creates desirable homes that are priced in line with market demand. Breaking the boundaries in retirement living, Shoreline Sibaya, developed under Carmel Properties, is the first retirement development in the Sibaya Coastal Precinct. Creating a tranquil environment to live in.

Having researched the retirement industry extensively, both locally and internationally, Carmel Properties have discovered that healthcare plays a vital role in any retirement development. This has inspired Carmel Properties to include a care facility within all their retirement developments, as part of the first phase. In addition, within each retirement project, a focus will be made on four critical pillars, namely care, lifestyle, security, and sustainability.